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Deryan 425421 Mosquito Bed Tent 200x90x110 Cm Blue
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Deryan 425421 Mosquito Bed Tent 200x90x110 Cm Blue

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  • This DERYAN anti-mosquito bed tent is a compact bed net, which will effectively protect you from mosquitoes while sleeping!

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Informationen zum Produkt Deryan 425421 Mosquito Bed Tent 200x90x110 Cm Blue

The DERYAN mosquito bed tent is a compact bed net, which will effectively protect you from mosquitoes and other biting insects while sleeping, and it is well ventilated from the sides and below.

This mosquito net from DERYAN is super easy to set up: just slide the fibre poles into the canvas and attach them to the corners.

The mattress can be placed in the tent from the side, so that the bed tent is nicely taut.

Perfect for use on holiday's! Next to the convenience of sleeping safely and unhindered yourself, kids will also love to sleep and play in the bed tent.

Featuring a practical and safe design, this toddler mosquito tent enables you to have full visibility of your child.

Additionally, the user-friendly anti-mosquito tent is easy to carry and collapsible for easy storage

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