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BOSU Balance Trainer

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The BOSU ® brand comes to offer you the best material that you can use to train Balance Trainer.

The bosu is a recent invention, it was first introduced in the year 2000 and it didn't take long for it to become indispensable in the fitness world. It is a training material to work on balance and bodybuilding , it will be part of your functional training and Pilates . Give that touch of fun that you are looking for when training.

What the Bosu?

A bosu is a consistent training accessory for bodybuilding, balance and pilates. It is divided into a solid base and a latex half sphere that gives us instability to work more intensely.

The BOSU ® name is an acronym for “Both Sides Up”, which means that it can be worn on both sides , the flat platform and the molded plastic dome.

What is Bosu used for?

The main objective pursued with the use of this accessory is to improve our balance (through intense work on the gluteus medius, the main stabilizer of our lower body) and muscular coordination (in those exercises in which movement is carried out, different muscle groups and must synchronize their work to perform efficient and effective work).

Training with BOSU ® increases movement capabilities and flexibility, improves your figure and strengthens your mind. From Bulevip we propose 5 exercises with Bosu:

  1. squats
  2. One leg squats
  3. Pistol squat
  4. single leg deadlift
  5. ABS

Where to buy Bosu?

Like every option we offer you, we have taken care in choosing the sports brands that are part of Bulevip.

Bosto was not going to be less and at the same time that it offers quality, it comes with a good price. So you don't stay with the desire to train from home with a bosu.

It's time to recover your resistance in Pilates and Bodybuilding with:

  • Bosu Balance Trainer
  • Bosu Elite
  • Bosu Sport 50 Balance Trainer Blue