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Vitamins and minerals

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A varied and balanced diet is not always a guarantee that our body is receiving all the vitamins and minerals it needs, especially in the case of athletes and active people who subject their bodies to greater wear than usual, or those who follow a diet strict, as can be the case with vegans.

Practicing regular exercise, eating healthy and supplementing our diet with vitamin and mineral complexes is a guarantee of full health and well-being. Whether it is to strengthen our immune system, prevent tiredness or fatigue, optimize physical performance or fight spring fatigue, it is advisable to supplement our diet with a multivitamin that meets our needs.

What are vitamins and minerals?

Vitamins and minerals are part of the essential nutrients and are called micronutrients because we need them in small amounts (milligrams or micrograms), but they are essential for the proper functioning of the body (they help tissue repair, growth and defense of cells). diseases).

What are vitamins for?

  • increased vitality

  • Less joint wear

  • antioxidant effect

  • Immune system booster

  • Sports performance optimization

What types of vitamin complexes are there?

Royal jelly, vitamin B12, vitamin C, magnesium , zinc , omega 3 , mineral salts , ginseng... There are thousands of multivitamins and formats (chewable tablets, vitamin complexes in the form of gummies, capsules or liquid format, among others) depending on your needs . Among the main vitamin supplements, it is worth highlighting:

  • Multivitamin: Varied vitamin complexes, perfect for people seeking complete well-being. Like Victory Endurance All Day Energy - Vitamins, Minerals and Antioxidants 90 caps

  • Omega 3 : Ideal for strengthening cardiovascular health and reducing “bad” cholesterol (LDL). We recommend VitOBest Omega 3 1000 mg 100 pearls

  • Royal Jelly : It is used to strengthen defenses and increase vitality.

  • Collagen with magnesium: Combination of minerals and collagen used to prevent joint wear and care for the health of hair, skin and nails. Like the one offered by BulePRO Collagen with Magnesium and Hyaluronic Acid 300 gr

  • Mineral salts : Capsules and drinks used to avoid dehydration, replenishing electrolytes and mineral salts during long-term efforts. One of the most recommended by our customers is 226ERS Sales Minerales - Salts Electrolytes 100 caps

  • Probiotics: Live microorganisms, capable of living in our intestines, which, administered in adequate doses, improve intestinal flora and strengthen the immune system. Try the Amix GreenDay Probio Forte 60 caps

  • Others such as herbal teas and other water-soluble supplements rich in vitamins, antioxidants and superfood extracts with which to fill you with energy and take care of your health effortlessly.

Frequent questions:

What vitamins are for children who eat little?

Weider Multi Kids Gummies - Multivitamin 50 gummies is an ideal supplement to incorporate into a balanced diet and provide vitamins to children to support their proper development.

What vitamins to take for tiredness?

VitAmint Tryptophan with Vitamins B1 and B2 help maintain the body's natural cycle, facilitating a promising day when you get up, as well as a restful sleep when you go to bed.

How to improve vascular function?

Lycopene can improve vascular function and contributes to the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disorders.

Lycopene has several beneficial cardiovascular effects, such as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiatherogenic, cardioprotective, and antiplatelet effect, which improves endothelial function (bioavailability of nitric oxide and blood flow), metabolic profile (by affecting cholesterol synthesis), and cholesterol control. of blood pressure (Mozos, I., Stoian, D., Caraba, A., Malainer, C., Horbanczuk, JO, & Atanasov, AG,2018)

What vitamins are good for hair?

  • Vitamin B12 for strong and healthy hair

  • Biotin helps hair growth.

  • Vitamin C stops hair loss.

  • Niacin or vitamin B3 promotes hair growth by improving circulation to the scalp.

  • Vitamin A deficiency can increase hair dryness and contribute to sebum production.

  • Vitamin E considerably improves the quality of the hair.

What vitamins help the brain?

VitOBest Nutri Mind is designed to support good mental health and brain function.

Which supplement contains mineral and iron?

VitOBest Mineral Complex 60 caps provides us with all the minerals necessary for the proper functioning of our body. Contains iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, sodium, selenium, copper, manganese, potassium, iodine and chromium.

What vitamins and minerals are best?

The recommendations of Bulevip customers are:

  • Multivitamin: Amix Multi Mega Stack

  • Omega 3: Solgar Omega 3 triple concentration

  • Royal Jelly: Prisma Natural Biotic Immuno defense

  • Mineral salts: 226ers Salt caps

  • Probiotics: Prisma Natural Premium Glutamine + Probiotics

  • Superfoods: VitOBest Chlorella, Prisma Natural Spirullina, Tongil Pure State Maca, etc.

Bibliographic Reference

Chhetri, D.R. (2019). Myo-inositol and its derivatives: Their emerging role in the treatment of human diseases. Frontiers in Pharmacology, Vol. 10.
Hernández-Camacho, JD, Bernier, M., López-Lluch, G., & Navas, P. (2018). Coenzyme Q10 supplementation in aging and disease. Frontiers in Physiology, 9(FEB), 44.
Mozos, I., Stoian, D., Caraba, A., Malainer, C., Horbanczuk, JO, & Atanasov, AG (2018). Lycopene and vascular health. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 9(MAY), 521.