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Powerbar: Energy Bars and Gels

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Powerbar was born with the aim of helping athletes achieve their goals, providing them with the best tools to improve their sports performance. The team of experts in nutrition of the Powerbar brand is made up of athletes, so they know perfectly the needs of athletes.


Powerbar is a sports supplementation brand with more than 30 years of experience. Capable of providing energy during training and speeding up the recovery of your muscles after these for several generations. Among its products you can find energy gels, creatine, electrolytes, bars of all kinds (energy, protein, fruit...) in various formats and various flavors to find the one that best suits you and your workouts.

With Powerbar you will be able to go prepared for any training session and you will not lack energy in any competition, and always with the best flavor.


Energy is essential when doing any type of sport, especially an endurance sport, and for this reason, Powerbar offers a wide range of energy bars and gels that help to gain strength and power.

Therefore, there are no specific athletes who are suitable for taking these products, but anyone who does sports can benefit from the advantages offered by Power bar. However, it is true that they will be especially useful for those athletes who do intense endurance or strength sports with high levels of power.

We must also take into account that depending on the product we use, they will adapt to one type of athlete and training or another.

If yours is running, trail running, cycling, swimming, triathlon or hiking, Powerbar is the help you need in your training.



Powerbar products are designed to be taken at any time during your training as well as before starting or once finished.

This will depend on your needs, the sport you practice, the type of training you are carrying out or if it is a competition. In the same way, you should always take into account your sensations throughout training sessions or competitions. If you feel that your energy is weakening during these, it will be convenient for you to take some type of powergel or energy bar before your performance drops or you have to give it up.

In the same way, there are athletes who prefer to take these supplements before starting the exercise, in this way from the first moment they have the maximum energy and can give everything.

Another option is to take them after the exercise is over to replenish energy stores and to contribute to muscle recovery. In these cases, any type of recuperators as well as protein bars are especially recommended.


Power Bar offers products with a unique flavor and designed for all types of athletes and sports activities; running, cycling... Give your nutrition an energetic plus with the best products of the powerbar brand. Some of the food supplements you can choose from are:


It is the sports supplement par excellence for endurance sports, especially when we talk about long runs. If, for example, you are a runner who is preparing for a marathon, this will be your best ally. Specifically Power Bar, offers among its catalog of gels, the Powergel.

They are designed to be drunk, so they can be taken quickly, which will make it easier to take them during any training or competition in a simple way.

The texture is usually viscous and they usually have a fruit flavor, but they will contain, above all, carbohydrates with a high glycemic index so that the absorption by the body is very fast.


The bars are the supplement designed for those athletes who subject their body to intense physical effort and, therefore, need to maintain energy by eating food.

Bars are going to be an easy way to do this and they are going to contain mostly complex carbohydrates.

In short, it is a supplement that we can take faster than food, but it will have a high nutritional value.

We are going to find them in our favorite flavor, such as chocolate or banana. In the same way, we can find bars that have more energy content, others with protein... you will always find the one that is perfect for you.


They are drinks that will keep athletes hydrated during intense training, however they will be especially useful during competitions.

They will provide more benefits during training than water since, in addition to water, these drinks contain fast-absorbing carbohydrates such as glucose or fructose and mineral salts such as potassium and magnesium, among others.


It is a supplement designed to accelerate muscle regeneration. This product combines high-quality proteins with essential amino acids such as arginine, and their objective is to repair the damage that has occurred in muscle fibers during physical exertion.

Another of the advantages that it gives us is to recharge energy stores and this is achieved through the combination of carbohydrates.



All Powerbar products will be useful for the situations that we have already discussed, however it is worth highlighting those that are top, such as the following, whose benefits are especially useful and effective for athletes.


power bar Recovery 2.0 is a drink made from carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals , which combines three sources of protein (casein, whey and soy). It also contains magnesium, which helps reduce fatigue. This drink is ideal for recovery, so it is recommended to take it after training, when your muscles are vulnerable and need that extra boost to stimulate muscle recovery.


Powerbar Isoactive is an isotonic containing all 5 electrolytes and C2MAX Dual Source Carb Mix, a patented natural source of energy and hydration. This isotonic replenishes up to 90 grams of carbohydrates per hour, depending on the intensity and duration. Taking Powerbar Isoactiva during daily training guarantees good and energetic hydration.


Powerbar Energize energy bars They are bars made from sodium, C2MAX Dual Source Carb Mix and magnesium, perfect for providing fuel to our body before and during exercise. They contain 41 grams of C2MAX carbohydrates, 8 grams of protein, electrolytes and magnesium. They are made with fruit juices, potato flakes and oat flakes and have a very easy-to-digest texture. Delicious flavor free of artificial preservatives!


  • Experience, it is one of the brands with the longest history in the sports supplementation sector, which provides an extra quality to its products and the benefits they provide to athletes since, as the years have passed, they have evolved to be able to adapt as much as possible to the needs of athletes.
  • It is the secret weapon of your training, when you notice that performance drops during exercise is when we see it as possible to take this supplement so that it gives us the necessary energy to maintain our maximum performance throughout the activity.
  • Improve yourself day by day, the energy and recovery supplements of Power bar seek that you compete daily with yourself, that you surpass yourself and get to go a little further every day.
  • It acts as fuel, it does not matter if it is about making your legs last for kilometers, if you are looking to reach the highest mountain or if you are looking to advance through the most difficult waters, Power bar will always have the perfect supplement to get you where you want to arrive