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Scrubs and body treatments

Scrubs and treatments

If you are looking for smooth, good-looking skin and want to take care of it the right way, this is your place. Find the body scrub that suits you and your skin's needs and achieve perfect, cared-for skin. The best catalog and the best offer in Bulevip!

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Increasingly, people are aware of the care of their health and their appearance. A good appearance provides us with well-being and comfort with ourselves, indirectly favoring our health. For this reason, products such as body scrubs have become such a demanded product. Here you will find everything you need to know to get the treatment that suits your skin.


Body scrubs are the perfect option to promote skin regeneration, as they completely renew it and remove dead skin that is not appreciated, but which gives our skin an uncared for skin appearance. In addition to the benefits it provides, they are very easy to apply, making it a very good option to treat our skin.


There are infinite types between exfoliants that are made naturally and those that are made from more chemical components, which are more artificial.


Its base is always organic materials. Their function is to stimulate the removal of the outermost layer of skin that is inactive. These organic materials are not seen in the product until we apply it to our skin. The organic material that forms it can be:

  • Sugar is usually found mixed with different ingredients that give it an attractive aroma and that have moisturizing properties, however, sugar granules are what will give them exfoliating properties and will remove dead skin from our body. .
  • Salt, have healing properties and are perfect for removing toxins from the skin's surface. They are ideal for purifying the skin since we can find different levels of salt, that is, the grains of salt can be finer or thicker, so we find ourselves with a very versatile scrub option.
  • Natural herbs, they are often used in scrubs for healing and medical purposes and may be based on elements such as orange peel or lavender flower, among others.
  • Coffee becomes a perfect option thanks to its properties and its aroma. In addition, it will have a stimulating effect on our skin and it will be perfect for acting on areas prone to cellulite.


They are characterized by the fact that they have harder and smaller particles than normal. With a simple massage, dead skin cells can be removed without the need to apply it in depth. To choose the "hardness" that our mechanical exfoliator should have, we must look at our skin type so that it has the ideal effect on it. If our skin is sensitive, for example, and we use a scrub that is too harsh, we can cause irritation on it, so it is important to know our skin before choosing an exfoliator.


They are the same as natural exfoliants, but with the difference that we will change the organic component for silica or corundron crystals. However, the effect they produce on our skin will be very similar and we will obtain the main objective, which is to purify our skin.


They are the most different, since they are applied differently. In this case, we will apply the exfoliant and we will have to let it act. After a few minutes, we will rinse the skin to remove the exfoliant. What these exfoliants do is soften the outer layer of the skin where the dead cells that we want to eliminate are found, instead of getting rid of this layer by rubbing the exfoliator. Normally, the enzymes that are used are from different types of fruits.


Very different from the rest since we are talking about exfoliants in the form of powder or cream. They will act by eliminating the outer layer of the epidermis and among the active compounds that form them we can find: tartaric acid, citric acid, kojic acid, malic acid, glycolic acid and lactic acid, among others.


It is an exfoliating cream that sticks to the skin and allows us to notice the little balls that remove dead cells as we rub the product on our skin.


They should be our last option of use since it is a more aggressive element on our skin. It is recommended that we only use it when applied by a professional as it can cause burns to our skin. In addition to purifying our skin, they also serve to treat acne marks, improve the appearance of small scars, and even have an effect on small wrinkles.


Body scrubs are going to bring us many benefits since they fulfill two important functions on our skin: protect us from foreign substances and eliminate toxins from the body. Normally we are not aware, but the skin is the largest and most exposed body organ and we do not take care of it as we should.

The main advantages of exfoliants are:

  • Eliminate dead cells, making the skin as clean as possible and perfectly toned.
  • Anti-aging action, since they will work by activating circulation and favoring oxygenation.
  • Skin renewal, stimulating the release of toxins through the skin pores.
  • It gives our skin a smoother and more uniform appearance, so its appearance will be improved.
  • It serves as an ally in waxing our skin, as it will prevent ingrown hairs from forming.
  • Smoothes the skin as a result of the elimination of dead cells.
  • Enhances the tan since it will act making our skin color look more intense and uniform, without spots or dark areas.


Apart from knowing the types of exfoliants and knowing which one best suits our skin, we have to know how to apply it correctly so that it gives us all the benefits mentioned. To do this, we can follow the following steps:

  • Moisten the skin before using the scrub, it is recommended to apply the product at the time of the shower. Doing it this way will prevent skin irritation and help us maintain its natural structure.
  • Pour the product into your hand or a horsehair glove and apply it to the area.
  • Spread it over the area while gently making circular movements so that dead cells are eliminated while blood circulation is reactivated. This can also help us fight cellulite.
  • Avoid exfoliating delicate areas of the body such as intimate areas or the neckline, in the same way it is recommended that more emphasis be placed on rough areas such as knees, elbows or ankles.
  • Always moisturize the skin after exfoliation, as essential oils and active ingredients will be absorbed much better.


It is not a treatment that is indicated to be applied daily. Although they have been made with delicate top-quality ingredients, our skin can be damaged during exfoliation if we go too far. Therefore, the ideal is to use the scrub two or three times a week.

Like any body care routine, we can see better results if we know our body, identify its needs and apply products that suit them.

In general, it is recommended that those with oily skin exfoliate their skin more frequently than those with dry skin, however, the ideal is to work with trial and error until you achieve the result that best suits you.

Whatever care decision we make about our body, the ideal is to maintain the routine and be constant to obtain the results we are looking for.


Although it seems that these treatments are only indicated for women over the age of 20, the reality is that there is no requirement for you to take care of your skin and your appearance.

Scrubs are suitable for all types of people regardless of age or gender. Anyone looking to take care of their skin, who wants a smooth skin appearance and who, in short, is looking for any of the benefits that have been discussed, can use these treatments.

However, it must be taken into account that not all treatments work for all people. We have to know our skin and be aware of what it needs so that the treatment we use has a positive effect on the skin and does not harm us in any way.