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Hair care products

Hair products

Beautiful and cared for hair will be important in our well-being and our self-esteem. At Bulevip we have a wide selection of the best hair care products . Find the best offers here and start showing off healthy and well-groomed hair!

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Personal care is increasingly integrated into our daily routine. Our hair says a lot about our personality and helps us feel confident and confident . For this reason, at Bulevip we have the best hair care products , discover the one that best suits you, whether you are a man or a woman or have oily, mixed, dry, bleached hair...


Each hair is a world, so based on this we must look for the product that best suits us. First we have to be clear about what objective we are looking for with the use of hair care products . It should be noted, therefore, that with these products we will generally be able to enhance the shine of our hair, add volume and protect it, with the aim of making it look healthier. On the other hand, there are products that are going to focus on keeping our hair healthy in order to prevent it from falling out or looking worse.


The options for hair care products are endless, there are as many as there are types of hair. Depending on your hair type and what you are looking for (curly effect, hydration, setting, care...) there will be a product that will best suit you.


Shampoos and hair soaps are the pillar of care and hygiene for our hair. It is important to always wash with a specific shampoo for our hair; dry hair, oily hair, mixed, bleached or fine hair. For optimal care, we recommend shampoos with natural formulas free of parabemos and other chemical substances such as sulfates or silicones that can be harmful to hair and scalp.


The shampoo should be complemented with the regular use of a hair softener or a biphasic. These products nourish and hydrate the hair, give it more strength and shine and make it easier to comb, so they should be a basic part of our hygiene.


Shampoos and hair softeners must be complemented with a specific moisturizing mask for hair with certain periodicity. These masks offer extra hydration, especially important for people with fine or weak hair, or with bleached hair, one of the most punished.


This product was initially created with the aim of extending the time between washing and washing, maintaining the good appearance of the hair, however now it has extra functions such as giving volume to our hair, absorbing grease or refreshing the scalp. It stands out for its easy application, simply shake and apply to the roots of the scalp. After this, it will be enough to move our hair a little with our fingers and brush it well.


Its objective is to give volume at higher levels than any other product. It absorbs quickly leaving the hair thick and with a wet-wet look since it normally has moisturizing ingredients. It stands out for its simple application and for the fact that it is completely compatible both with blow-drying and with damp hair after washing.


Unlike the rest of hairsprays, they do not leave a sticky feeling, but they are capable of giving hold and adhesion to separate the ends, layers or curls. We will be able to play with the different textures or the different ways of applying the product, achieving a natural result and some hairstyles that will give our hair a well-groomed appearance.


With them we managed to keep our hairstyle looking freshly done for hours. We will be able to avoid the feeling of stickiness if we spray them evenly through the hair and in the necessary quantity, achieving a constant appearance of fresh from the hairdresser. In addition, it will protect our hair from external agents such as humidity.


Although moisturizing masks are undoubtedly the best known, there are other hair moisturizing treatments, such as ampoules and oils, perfect for strengthening, moisturizing and maximizing the shine of our hair.


Bleached hair are those to which a dye or hair bleaching product is regularly applied. This hair is especially punished by the aggressiveness of this beauty treatment, and for this reason, it is recommended to wash it and take care of it with specific products for colored hair, which offer extra hydration.

Another option to take maximum care of your hair are alternative treatments to permanent dyes, such as semi-permanent dyes or coloring without ammonia.


It is the ideal product if you use electrical appliances on your hair on a regular basis such as blow dryers and hair straighteners. These devices will help us achieve perfect hairstyles, however they have a damaging effect on our hair in the long run. With these products to protect from heat, we will ensure that this heat effect on the hair that damages it is minimal.

Within this type of products, we can also find those that protect us from solar radiation that usually affects our hair especially in summer when we spend days on the beach exposed to the sun.


These products will prevent hair loss and weakening. It is especially useful in men who begin to see their hair getting weaker, and in those people who see greater hair loss at certain times of the year, such as autumn or during times when they have a greater volume of work, for example. example. These products will strengthen your follicles to prevent hair loss.


  • They adapt to everyone and we can get the perfect product regardless of the type of hair we have or the effect we seek on it.
  • We achieve a better appearance of the hair since the use of these products will result in a healthy and well-groomed appearance of hair.
  • The appearance of healthy hair that we achieve will mean a better appearance in general, we will see ourselves better and, therefore, we will see how our self-esteem increases.
  • It will mean an improvement in health since, although it has an aesthetic purpose, it does not stop taking care of an area of ​​our body.
  • We prevent effects that occur in our hair over time such as dryness, fall, weakening...
  • They combat reactions from our scalp such as dandruff, which can be really uncomfortable.
  • Hair care prevents hair from looking dry in the same way that it will prevent our hair from being too greasy. If we use the right product for our hair, we will obtain an optimal result.


Hair, like any other part of the body, needs to be cared for. For this reason, the use of hair care products is recommended in order to keep it healthy, prevent hair loss, prevent deterioration and the effect of split ends, avoid pulling with the brush, as well as other problems that may arise over time.

All this translates into a better general appearance and a good image for the rest, so that apart from the benefits that it brings us on a personal level, it will bring us benefits on a psychological level since we will see ourselves better, it will increase our self-esteem, and it will be reflected in a greater self-confidence that will constantly feed back, making us feel better and also providing us with benefits on a personal and mental level.

In addition, it is recommended not to wait until the hair is very damaged to start treating and caring for it, but the ideal is to always be in constant care of it. If we start a treatment when the hair is very damaged, it will be more difficult to achieve the result of healthy hair that we are looking for.

In the same way, hair care will be linked to health care, it will be easier to maintain a well-groomed appearance of hair and for treatments to achieve optimal results if we maintain a good diet and do sports.


In our catalog of hair treatments and hair care products you will find only trusted brands, among which we can highlight Moroccanoil, Kerastase, Schwarzkopf, Tigi, Paul Mitchell, Pantene Pro V, etc.

In addition to the products sold and managed by Bulevip, we contract with a wide catalog of highly prestigious external vendors, among which we can highlight Perfumes Club, Buysvip, Selectiva or Planeta huerto, among others.


Do not hesitate and go to our website to buy hair care products online. No. 1 brands, best price guaranteed and free shipping on a wide selection of products, place your order now!