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Fanté Glut 5 Drink 67cho 350mg Sodium 12 gels x 70 gr
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Fanté Glut 5 Drink 67cho 350mg Sodium 12 gels x 70 gr

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  • The only single dose of carbohydrates on the market with freeze-dried natural raspberry, without preservatives or aromas designed to improve your performance

  • Contains 67.5 grams of carbohydrates per unit

  • Provides 350 mg sodium to optimize your hydration

  • Ratio 1:0.8 according to current scientific evidence

  • With a carbohydrate concentration of 9% in 750ml, increasing gastric emptying

  • Provides chloride and sodium, the main electrolytes lost through sweat

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Product information Fanté Glut 5 Drink 67cho 350mg Sodium 12 gels x 70 gr

First single dose on the market that relies on scientific evidence.

This means that we do not exceed the maximum tolerable concentration of carbohydrates per amount of water.

Our concentration per 750ml container is 9%.

Mix 1 single dose with 750 ml of water to reach a concentration of 9%, the maximum tolerable by our intestine.

If in your case you use 2 500ml bottles (trail running or cycling), use 1 single dose divided into 2 500ml bottles and you will have a concentration of around 6%, faster to digest than water.

TIP: In hot conditions, you can increase the amount of water from 900 to 1200 ml/h.

We advise you to calculate your sweat rate before drinking a pre-established amount.

The GLUT 5 DRINK is completely different.

It is a unique combination of maltodextrin and fructose (ratio of 1:0.8) that allows glucose uptake beyond 60 grams per hour, avoiding saturation of the Slgt-1 and glut 5 transporters (glucose and fructose respectively) and minimizing the gastrointestinal discomfort.

It has a high sodium content, exactly 350mg, just like our gels, favoring the athlete's hydration.

With a single dose per hour you will be consuming the minimum amount of sodium that your body needs to be in homeostatic balance, avoiding dehydration problems.

The higher your sweat rate, the greater the amount of sodium you will need, the minimum being 350 mg up to 1.2 g of sodium per hour/liter of water.

TIP: If you consume 1 GLUT 5 GEL per hour and want to add 1 single dose.

You will be consuming 700mg sodium and 127.5 grams of carbohydrates.

If your carbohydrate oxidation rate is lower than this.

Divide the single dose into 2 doses or consume our 30g gel, GLUT 5 Lite.

To achieve an intake of 66.5 g carbohydrates/hour and 525 mg sodium/hour.

More than enough intake for amateur athletes.

The GLUT 5 DRINK range is designed to allow high energy intakes.

In fact, for beginners you will only need one GLUT 5 DRINK single dose per hour to get all the energy you need.

For those experienced in high carbohydrate intake per hour and who have specifically trained the digestive system 'training the gut', they will be able to oxidize in an activity of more than 90 minutes from 60 to >120 g carbohydrates/h, which would be equivalent to taking the single dose plus 1 gel 30 gr.

Researchers at Loughborough University attempted to answer this question and found that less frequent intakes and larger quantities produced better results.

This is one of the reasons why at Fanté we have created a user guide that you can consult in this guide.

Where we explain why it is better to drink larger sips less often than smaller sips more often.

We achieve this with our FANTÉ TEAM 750 bottle, ergogenically designed to provide large sips of water in a short period of time and created specifically to consume the GLUT 5 DRINK single-dose.

Since the amount of water used with our bottle along with the total amount of carbohydrates per single dose is correct, concentration of 9%.

Science has shown that a combination of glucose (maltodextrin) and fructose in a 1:0.8 ratio is optimal for carbohydrate absorption during intense exercise.

In our guide (Why use 1:0.8 and not the rest of the carbohydrate ratios) we tell you why science defends this ratio and not other ratios sold on the current market.

We always avoid adding aromas, colorings, sweeteners and preservatives by adding natural freeze-dried fruit.

Raspberry of the highest quality achieving an unmatched flavor.

It replaces only the electrolytes you need to maintain optimal hydration throughout exercise and allows your body to function as it should.

This hydration is obtained through our single-dose GLUT 5 DRINK.

In our hydration guide you can learn more about why we wanted to add 350 mg of sodium per single dose and be the first single dose to 100% respect the maximum allowable tolerable concentration of carbohydrates/ml water, based on current scientific evidence.

All of our products are designed to work together.

The GLUT 5 DRINK range combines perfectly with the gels from the GLUT 5 GEL range.

And thus be able to reach different carbohydrate oxidation rates per hour, adapting to any athlete from beginners to professionals.

In a range from 30 to >120 grams/hour.

We base all our products on the latest scientific research.

If science doesn't approve it, neither do we.

Ingredients: Maltodextrin, fructose, freeze-dried raspberry powder and sodium chloride

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