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Scrubs and body treatments

Scrubs and treatments

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Body and facial treatments are the most desired to feel good about yourself and show off beautiful skin without blemishes. Firming treatments and facial scrubs are the most popular, but not the only ones, as there are a multitude of beauty items with which you will discover a new way of taking care of yourself and taking advantage of your natural beauty. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about these popular treatments:

What is exfoliation?

Exfoliation is a beauty treatment that can be performed on the skin of virtually any part of the body, as well as on the face, whose purpose is to remove dead cells that accumulate on the surface, preventing our skin from breathing properly.

Why should we exfoliate the skin?

Exfoliating treatments are one of the most used in the beauty routine of people around the world, since they cleanse our skin and enhance its natural beauty. This treatment has an anti-aging effect and has other benefits, such as preventing ingrown hairs, enhancing a tan, and preparing your skin for waxing or shaving.

How to exfoliate the skin?

To exfoliate the skin correctly, it is necessary to choose a body scrub, specific to the area to be treated, such as a foot scrub. The body scrub can be applied directly with the hands or with a body sponge, always with wet skin. Once applied, you should spread the scrub by moving upwards to activate circulation and exert light pressure, without becoming annoying.

If you are going to apply a foot scrub, we recommend previously removing the largest calluses with the help of a pumice stone and using gloves, since these scrubs have very large grains that can irritate the hands (a more sensitive area than the feet).

How to exfoliate the face?

In the case of the face, you must choose a facial scrub, specific for the skin of your face; dry, mixed, oily or sensitive. You must apply the scrub on wet skin, either with your hands or with the help of a sponge and make circular movements.

Avoid applying the face scrub around the eyes, and emphasize the T-zone, as well as the folds of the nose, the area where the greatest amount of dead cells tends to accumulate.

What other beauty treatments can you find at Bulevip?

In addition to the previously mentioned exfoliating treatments, on our website you can find other body treatments with which to enhance your beauty and achieve the look you have always wanted; reducing body treatments, body firming treatment, anti-cellulite etc. Take a look at our proposals!