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Gluten-free foods and products

Without gluten

At Bulevip we offer a wide variety of gluten-free foods and products : pasta, bread, snacks, cereals... If you are celiac this is your section, food for you while maintaining the best flavor. Find everything you need here!

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It is increasingly common for there to be food intolerances, which is why the supply of gluten-free foods and products is increasing. If you are intolerant to gluten this will no longer be a problem to enjoy tasty meals. Find here all the food you can imagine!


Gluten-free foods and products are all those foods that do not contain nor have they been cooked with wheat, rye, barley, oats or any other type of variant or hybrid created with this cereal. Neither would gluten-free products be considered those that have been contaminated with products that do include these or that have genetic transgressions.

These products are usually cereals, breads, pastas and any type of food that requires them for their preparation, or masses such as cookies, pastries, pancakes, etc.

More and more people are suffering from this intolerance and for this reason there will be more and more products available to them, in addition, more and more work is being done to make these products as good as those that contain gluten in terms of nutritional values ​​and flavor. . Your intolerance will no longer be a problem to enjoy the best meals. In addition, it should be noted that the demand for these products has grown so much that you can even find gluten-free sports supplements . At Bulevip we offer you a wide variety of proteins, bars, gels... so that your intolerance is not a problem to get in touch with. shape.



Gluten-free bread is one that has been made using gluten-free flours, such as rice flour, corn flour, buckwheat flour, chickpea flour, soy flour, even almond flour, and many more! The options are immense to be able to enjoy equally tasty bread without problem if you are intolerant to gluten.

They usually have the advantage that they are more artisanal breads that, due to their characteristics, are generally made in a more natural way, so they will have that advantage over conventional breads. In the same way, it will be about thicker and less spongy breads, but generally more beneficial for our body.


In general, we talk about gluten-free cereals when we refer to those that have been made using rice, millet, amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa or corn, mainly.

It has the advantage that they will be much more natural than the gluten-containing cereals we are used to and much more beneficial for our body. In addition, in general they will not have been artificially prepared, which will be especially beneficial for our health.



Gluten-free cookies will be those that have not used any flour or cereal that contains gluten such as wheat, rye, barley, spelt, etc. for their preparation.

Thanks to the fact that they have gluten-free flours and cereals, these cookies will generally be made in a more traditional way, or at least they will have fewer artificial ingredients than the cookies we are used to. All this while maintaining the delicious flavor of the cookies, so we could talk about a perfect option for breakfast, snack or snack. Try them all at Bulevip!


There are different types of gluten-free flours that are ideal for making your own gluten-free recipes, from breads to desserts or the most elaborate meals. There are many options depending on the origin of these flours: cereals, pseudocereals, tubers, legumes, etc. However, there are some that stand out from others, which will be the ones we find most easily and the ones that will help us prepare the best recipes. Highlights:

  • Rice flour, perfect for making tempuras or Chinese noodles, but also useful for making cookies. They are an ideal source of vitamins A and B, amino acids and minerals.
  • Oatmeal, with a high amount of fiber and slow-absorbing carbohydrates, ideal for prolonging the feeling of satiety over time, making them a perfect option for those seeking to lose weight.
  • Quinoa flour is the perfect flour for savory dishes and for making pastries and breads. It has essential amino acids, complex carbohydrates and omega 3 and 6.
  • Amaranth flour is ideal for giving structure to your gluten-free breads and has a high protein content.
  • Soybean flour, perfect for making bread. It contains protein, fat, calcium, iron, magnesium and is low in carbohydrates. Don't wait any longer and try them all!


In general, gluten-free foods and products are designed for gluten intolerant people, celiac people who, by consuming gluten-containing products, negatively affect their health. The objective of these foods is that these people can have a complete and balanced diet without problem and with nothing to envy to the taste of conventional diets.

However, gluten-free products also provide numerous benefits to those who are not celiac since, although gluten-containing foods do not negatively affect their health, eating gluten-free products will benefit them because they generally have nutritional values ​​of higher quality. Although it is not recommended that people who do not have celiac disease base their diet on gluten-free products, it should be noted that including some of them in your meals will greatly benefit you. These foods are suitable for everyone!


  • Gluten-free foods and products will help celiacs reduce or make the main symptoms of their intolerance disappear.
  • They reduce the risk of complications associated with health.
  • The well-being of celiac people is restored and their quality of life improves.
  • For celiac children who have seen their growth process affected by the consequences of their intolerance, they will see how they recover their usual weight and growth.
  • The antibodies of celiac people are normalized.
  • In people who are intolerant to gluten, the lining of the small intestine begins to regenerate and nutrients are reabsorbed.
  • At Bulevip you will find a wide range of these products so that your intolerance is not a food problem.
  • We offer the widest offer at the best price.
  • Food retains all the flavor.
  • In general, these are more artisan products with higher quality nutritional values.