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Every athlete needs higher protein requirements to achieve optimal recovery and contribute to the development of muscle mass. Depending on the objective and the sport practiced, there are times when these requirements cannot be met with a balanced diet, without providing fats and/or carbohydrates; At that time, supplements such as protein shakes or jars come into play, one of the most popular supplements in sports nutrition, along with BCAAs and creatine.

What are proteins?

Proteins are the most popular protein supplements among athletes. Its nutritional structure is composed of a large amount of protein. Today, any product with 20 grams of protein (per 100 grams of product) is called a protein supplement.

A possible revised definition for total protein would be the sum of all peptide-bound aminos in a food after the protein has been sufficiently isolated from the food to accurately measure amino content, similar to the methodology applied for total fat. in food (AOAC International 2005).

What are protein shakes and what are they for?

Protein shakes are nutritional supplements focused on athletes and people, due to being subjected to specific nutrition, need a protein intake to maintain and develop muscle mass. These shakes contain the same proteins we can find in food, but in a "concentrated" way and with a minimum contribution of carbohydrates and fats.

What types of protein shakes are there?

Whey protein or whey protein

The best-known proteins are those from whey protein, since they present a more complete amino profile and have been shown to have better absorption and digestibility. Depending on the process obtained, whey proteins are classified as:

    • Whey milk concentrate: Those with the highest percentage of fats and carbohydrates, but also at a cheaper price and are the best value for money.
    • Isolated whey milk (isolate): They are the purest proteins and also the highest price, they already have a minimum percentage of carbohydrates and fats.
    • Protein hydrolyzate: These are proteins with a degree of purity somewhat below that of whey isolate, but with maximum digestibility and a high degree of absorption.

When to take whey protein?

Most experts recommend consuming a quality shake, such as Whey 80, first thing in the morning. This is due to extraordinary biological value and great amino profile prepares it for the day.


Casein also comes from whey, and is similar to whey protein, but its degree of assimilation is much slower and more sustained.

vegan proteins

We can find a wide variety of vegetable proteins (soy, pea, rice, etc.), perfect for vegetarians and vegans, or for people with some food intolerance.

Proteins of animal origin

Although they are less known, there are also proteins of animal origin; beef and chicken, mainly.

What are protein shakes for?

This sports supplement is aimed at various types of people and each one uses protein in a different way.

    • Athletes of any discipline subjected to great muscle wear. Protein intake is very common for strength athletes, such as bodybuilders, since they are the most required in order to develop muscle mass.
    • Vegans and people with certain dietary restrictions find it difficult to find quality protein in traditional foods.
    • People subjected to a certain nutrition such as ketogenic foods.

What are the benefits of protein shakes?

Among the main benefits we highlight:
    • Help prevent loss of muscle mass during high-intensity activities
    • They provide energy immediately to develop your activities at the best performance
    • Help maintain satiety
    • They speed up the process of protein synthesis, favoring muscle recovery

When and how to take protein?

In the case of athletes, and as a general rule, proteins are usually taken after training, in the next half hour. In the case of casein, it is recommended to take before sleeping to avoid muscle catabolism in the event of a prolonged period without eating food.

The protein shake can be taken at any time of the day, such as breakfast, snack or even dinner. There is no single ideal time to take this supplement.

How many grams of protein do you need a day to gain muscle?

The recommended, with an optimal range of protein consumption for an athlete trying to gain muscle, is 1.5 to 1.8 grams per day per kilogram. If your goal is to maintain muscle mass , the range is 1.2 to 1.4 grams per pound daily.

What to choose between protein shakes and protein powder?

The main difference is the way I use each product. In other words, protein powder canisters are easy to combine with other ingredients, so they can be used to make protein-rich meals.Scitec Nutrition Protein Pancake is an example of a protein powder for cooking delicious recipes. However, if you do not have that much time and prefer to have a snack, we recommend protein shakes since they require less preparation time.

Where to buy Proteins Online?

At Bulevip you will find the best price and free shipping guaranteed in the No. 1 on the market: Optimum Nutrition Whey Standard, Amix Nutrition proteins, Weider , Nutrisport , Scitec Nutrition , Dyamtize , Biotech USA and many more.

Do you want to know which is the best protein?

This question can be answered if you know your goal. It depends if you are looking to: get the most out of your training, gain muscle mass or speed up recovery. On our website you can find all the information and you can also call us for advice, at 911 309 808 From L. to V. from 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Bibliographic references

AOCA International . 2005 . Official Methods of Analysis . 17th ed . Gaithersburg, Maryland: AOAC International.
Moore JC, DeVries JW, Lipp M, Griffiths JC, Abernethy Total protein methods their potential utility risk food protein adulteration. Buy Rev Food Sci Food Saf. 2010;9(4):330-357. doi:10.1111/j.1541-4337.2010. 00114.x
Mariotti F, Tomé D, Mirand PP. Converting nitrogen into protein – Beyond 6.25 and Jones' factors. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2008;48(2):177-4. doi:10.1080/ 10408390701279749