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Ver catálogo de226ERS
5 valoraciones

Nombre del vendedor: 226ERS

Condiciones del vendedor


Shipping - FREE Shipping on orders over €50 - €4.24 shipping costs on orders under €50 - Delivery in 1-2 days. If there is no person responsible for receiving the package at the indicated delivery address, a notice will be left with a telephone number that you must call to confirm what time the merchandise can be delivered. The transport agency will store your package in its warehouses for approximately 10/12 days before returning it to our facilities. If you do not receive your purchase within the estimated time, you must contact Customer Service through the form enabled in the store itself. From the moment we receive your notification we will take the appropriate steps to find out why you have not received it within the agreed time.


The shipping times for returns are: - 30 days from shipment for clothing and accessories. - 15 days from shipment for nutritious products. Returns of products such as drums, shakers or socks cannot be made. To do this you must contact us through the means available in your customer area. As long as the return is due to product defects or size change, 226ERS eShop assumes the shipping costs incurred for the return. You can request to replace it or replace it with other items. If the reasons for return are beyond 226ERS eShop, that is, if the merchandise is in perfect condition, but you still want to return it, you must send the product in its original packaging and in perfect condition. The expenses incurred for the return will NOT be borne by 226ERS. Changes or returns of clothing The clothing items that you want to return or exchange must always have the label on them. If the label is not on the garment received, neither the exchange for another garment nor the money will be refunded.
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