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1 valoración

Nombre del vendedor: Biknair

Condiciones del vendedor


Shipping to the peninsula: - €12.40 shipping costs on all orders. - Delivery in 3/5 days.


BIKNAIR offers a reflection period of 14 days for its orders from the date of receipt. During this period you can consult the item in the same way as you would in a store. As soon as you start using the product, the cooling off period is over. We strongly recommend that you check the content of the item directly after receiving it. If the product is damaged or incomplete, please inform us by contacting our Customer Service. If you are not satisfied with your product, you have the option to return it. This also applies to sale items. You can return the item if: the product is complete The product has its original packaging and is not damaged. You must contact our Customer Service within 15 days to let us know that you wish to return your order and then you have an additional 15 days to return it. Once the product has been returned, we will request a refund from the marketplace. The global return period is therefore 30 days from receipt of the order, once the period has elapsed the return request will be closed. After receiving your request, we will send you the procedure for returning the product. Product returns are the responsibility of the customer.
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