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Without lactose

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Only in Spain between 30-50% of the population suffers from lactose intolerance to a greater or lesser extent, either permanently or temporarily due to a condition. Fortunately, it is becoming easier to find lactose-free products and lactose-free supplements for athletes, which make life easier for people who suffer from this intolerance. It is common for lactose-free foods to also be gluten-free , to ensure optimal digestibility for as many people as possible.

How does gluten affect? both in the case of patients with celiac disease and in those with gluten intolerance, it damages the nervous system and can trigger neurological symptoms (Ford RP. 2009).

Featured Lactose-Free Supplements

The supplement must comply with a series of physicochemical properties that allow ease of use, stability and durability for a sufficient period from when it is produced to when it is consumed. Thus, for example, if it is a liquid product, it must be homogeneous, of low relative viscosity and sterile; if its presentation is in powder form, it must have a high solubility and be free of pathogenic microorganisms. (Jorge L. Rosado. 1999)

Lactose-free whey protein: Biotech USA Iso Whey Zero

Biotech USA Iso Whey Zero is a lactose-free whey protein; The fact that it is a whey protein does not mean that it contains lactose, as the cross-microfiltration process by which it is obtained guarantees that this protein does not contain lactose or gluten.

Lactose-free protein: Weider Vegan Protein

Weider Vegan Protein is a 100% lactose-free protein of vegetable origin, and with an aminogram of excellent quality, comparable to that of a good whey protein. It is the perfect option both for people with lactose intolerance and for vegetarians and vegans.

Lactose-free collagen: Bulepro

Bulepro is a collagen with magnesium and hyaluronic acid, free of lactose, gluten, egg, corn and starch, making it perfect for people with various food intolerances.

Lactose-free BCAAs: 226ers BCAAs 8:1:1

226ers has one of the best lactose-free BCAAs , its 8.1:1 BCAAs, which are also enriched with vitamin B6 to promote protein synthesis and guarantee maximum recovery after exercise.

Digestive enzymes: Amix Pro Engygen

In addition to lactose-free products, there are digestive enzymes that contain lactase, such as Amix Pro Engygen , which help lactose intolerant people better digest foods with lactose.

lactose-free foods

226ERS Veggie Energy Cake

226ERS Veggie Energy Cake is an energy cake suitable for vegans, which is an excellent breakfast or snack for all types of athletes, thanks to its high content of slowly absorbed carbohydrates and amino acids.

Weider NutProtein Choco Vegan Spread Crunchy

Weider NutProtein Choco Vegan Spread Crunchy is a delicious chocolate spread with hazelnut pieces, which does not contain lactose, palm oil or added sugar.

Le Pain des Fleurs

Le Pain de Fleurs seed breads are delicious as a healthy snack, or to replace bread in regular meals. Breads available in endless flavors.

Leading manufacturers of lactose-free products

  • bulepro
  • Biotech USA
  • 226ers
  • Weider
  • The Comprehensive Barn
  • enerzone
  • Overstims

Bibliographic references

  • JOSÉ FERNANDO VERA CH., ANDREA RAMÍREZ V. (2013). Digestive symptoms and clinical response in infants with allergy to cow's milk protein.
  • Jorge L. Rosado, M. in C., PhD., Juan Rivera, M. in C., PhD., Gladys López, Quim., Lourdes Solano, Lic. in Nutr., Guadalupe Rodríguez, Lic. in Nutr., Esther Casanueva, Lic. in Nutr., Alberto García-Aranda, MC, Georgina Toussaint, Lic in Nutr., Irene Maulen, MC (1999). Development and evaluation of food supplements for the Education, Health and Food Program.
  • Ford PR. The gluten syndrome: a neurological disease. Med Hypotheses. 2009 Sep;73(3):438-40. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2009.03.037. Epub 2009 Apr 29 .